Only profiles with a ✓Verified badge are considered complete.

Dating ID Verification Badge Sign up

Easy and hassle free process to get your Dating ID. Create an account and upgrade to Verified Member to complete your ID Badge.

Partnered with Identity Verification solutions: Jumio, Incognia, PIV

Datebadge works the same as Meetup ID and Hookup ID. If you have questions, please read the FAQ section below.

Steps to get your Safe Date ID:

1. Click on the Register button below.

2. Provide the required information then click on Checkout. You can pay using a Card. You do not need to have a PayPal account.

How to pay using Credit/Debit card: After clicking Checkout with PayPal, click on “Pay with Credit or Debit Card”, enter your email address, then proceed with payment.

3. Once you’ve completed the payment, click on return to merchant or go to

4. Click on View Profile at the top of the page to view your DateBadge profile. Reload the page if you can’t see the view profile button.


Please read the FAQ below if you have concerns about registration.

Here’s a sample DateBadge member page, this is exactly what your profile will look like. Your DateBadge profile is not complete until you upgrade to Verified Member and Verify Your Identity.

date id badge sample

Whenever any dating site member asks you for a dating id, meetup security clearance, or hookup verification badge, just show them your profile or send them your Date Badge profile link. Example:

Are you looking for a different type of ID? Please contact us. is compatible on all dating sites. If you have questions, please read the FAQ below.


Can I pay using a credit card / without Paypal account? Yes. After clicking Checkout with Paypal, enter your email address, click on Pay with Credit or Debit Card, then fill out the payment details on the next page. Uncheck the "Save info and create Paypal account" then pay as guest.

Your DateBadge profile is not complete until you upgrade to Verified Member and Verify your Identity.

How much does it cost to get a Date Badge? It only costs 39 USD to get your Datebadge profile & Verified Member Badge. One-time payment only, no recurring charges.

Is there a Cheaper Way? This is the most affordable ID you can find, other sites will cost you hundreds even thousands of dollars.

Are Hookup ID and Meetup ID the same with Date Badge? Yes, they all have the same purpose of verifying the identity of dating app users.

Is DateBadge accepted in all countries? Yes, datebadge works worldwide.

Is Date Badge Legit and does it work with all dating sites? We are one of the only few dating id sites that actually verify users and give real profiles. Fake ones only want your credit card info and will not give you a verification badge in return. Datebadge is universally accepted on all dating sites.

Does Datebadge provide a physical ID card? No, datebadge is an online id badge. Your datebadge profile is your digital id, it serves as proof that you are verified. It works exactly the same as physical cards. A Datebadge profile is even more secure since it CAN'T be faked, id cards can be easily photoshopped and printed. Another benefits of a digital id is that there's no shipping cost, no delivery waiting time, and no risk of having it delivered to your house.

Here's a live DateBadge profile, this is how your profile will look like once you sign up:

If someone from dating sites tells you that your profile is fake or it will not work, the only real reason is that you didn't get your ID from their very expensive links. And there are a lot of fake dating id badge sites. Read about fake dating ids here.

Are you looking for a different type of ID? Please contact us.

Why Get a Datebadge: Having a verified datebadge profile helps you meet real people. Equally important is that it will protect you from more scams. Online dating scammers hate people with a DateBadge account because they know that our members can spot which verification site is legit and which is not, our members also know know to identify fake profiles. They will always move on to easier targets when they see that you are a Datebadge member.

How to view your DateBadge Profile: Go to our website, login to your account then tap on the "View Profile" button at the top of the page.

You can contact us anytime if you have unanswered questions.

Testimonials is the only Safe Dating ID website I found that actually worked. thanks! The other sites that offer verification charges for a lot more and don't even give you a real profile.
Mark Walter

Skeptical at first but after I got my DateBadge and verified my identity, I doubled my hookups.
John W.

This is really helpful to avoid getting in contact with online daters who are faking their profiles. Dating Security ID definitely makes you feel safe when going out with someone from dating sites.
Elena Thomas

Concerns or Questions?

Go to our contact page for our customer support email.



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Having problems signing up or looking for a different type of ID? Message us on whatsapp or go to our contact page for more ways to contact us.