Easy and hassle free process to get your Dating ID. Create an account and upgrade to Verified Member to complete your ID Badge.
Partnered with Identity Verification solutions: Jumio, Incognia, PIV
Datebadge works the same as Meetup ID and Hookup ID. If you have questions, please read the FAQ section below.
Steps to get your Safe Date ID:
1. Click on the Register button below.
2. Provide the required information then click on Checkout. You can pay using a Card. You do not need to have a PayPal account.
How to pay using Credit/Debit card: After clicking Checkout with PayPal, click on “Pay with Credit or Debit Card”, enter your email address, then proceed with payment.
3. Once you’ve completed the payment, click on return to merchant or go to datebadge.com.
4. Click on View Profile at the top of the page to view your DateBadge profile. Reload the page if you can’t see the view profile button.

Please read the FAQ below if you have concerns about registration.
Here’s a sample DateBadge member page, this is exactly what your profile will look like. Your DateBadge profile is not complete until you upgrade to Verified Member and Verify Your Identity.

Whenever any dating site member asks you for a dating id, meetup security clearance, or hookup verification badge, just show them your profile or send them your Date Badge profile link. Example: datebadge.com/members/john
Are you looking for a different type of ID? Please contact us.